The Irish Indian Times. What it is and what ‘we’ do.

Hello and Welcome to The Irish  Indian Times.

This is one of those franchise relaunch things. there were reboots that never stuck but here I am. like the minor character in the first film of a genre franchise and here we are , five instalments in, all the pretty ones have legged it into real roles and I am still here. I plan to expand but right now. its plan big and work local. or something.  So I’m the Editor of this site and hope to interview and expand in the years to come.

I have been lately working as Resident Movie reviewer for

Where you can find my genre reviews, and some previews from sundance and frightfest.

But this site will be where the more…general films will be found.

I think the main thing to make my review be a thing you like, and read and share and amaze at are my very simple rules

  1. the reviews come in at the printed equivalent of 1A4. maybe a little over. but Im here to give you a taste of the films. not a sinkhole thought piece of navel gazing.
  2. As spoiler free as I can be. I do use a lot of mid brow anecdotes and substitute my own biography then plot revelations so it can be a little mid brow
  3. better spelling.
  4. that was a lit

have fun!

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